Message of Managing Director

Dear Students/Parents
It is my pleasure, welcome and thanks to all the parents and students of new Academic Session for joining Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Technology. BCPT is the Institution dedicated to student’s services and excellence for their good education. BCPT always appoint highly qualified and dynamic faculty which natures the student’s in best possible manner and help them to imbibe advanced knowledge and skills in the field of Pharmacy.
The college has remained a place of excogitation and excellence in Pharmacy education. As the needs of society and the profession change, the college explores new programs to better prepare upcoming pharmacists for an expanded role in the health care profession. The continuous changes in responsibilities and scope of practice of the pharmacists demand a serious commitment to life-long learning.
I am sure that our committed, dedicated, self-motivated efforts will go a long way in producing competent producing competent professional for the service at nation.
I wish you all the best for a very fruit-full sojourn here and hope it will culminate into a fulfilling career for each of you and feel yourself as with full grown up personality with character and moral values-a reward for us.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it”- Abraham Lincoln
Managing Director