“To be acknowledged as a Centre of Excellence for promoting Pharmaceutical Education, Research & Services, creating the next generation of competent and skilled healthcare workforce”.

To facilitate world class Pharmaceutical education through academic excellence and innovative research and developmental initiatives.
To develop the state-of-art laboratory facilities to create skilled and competent healthcare professionals.
To inculcate ethical practices so as to create Pharmacy professionals as responsible citizens of the country.

Quality Policy
Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Technology aims to become a centre of excellence for promoting Pharmaceutical Education & Research with excellence in teaching, research, consultancy and continuing education. We empower students to become skilled and competent healthcare professionals. Our activities are driven by ethics and quality, encouraging a transformative learning experience. By emphasizing the importance of both academic and social development, we aim to provide a holistic education that prepares students for a successful future in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Technology is a unique, exemplary educational institute of pharmacy established in the year of 2019 for the purpose of providing the standard education and positivity in the field of pharmacy and socially aware and update with pharmacy and also for the well being of the society. We, at B.C.P.T, shall undertake a solemn journey together on the road of teaching, learning to achieve our chosen goals. Our Institute has developed the necessary infrastructure, laboratories, library, workshop, computer center and other related facilities befitting a first rate institution. We are committed to provide resources to continue the process of developing the Institute in the future to enable us to be proud of our alma mater. For converting its dream into a reality, the Management needs a well-educated, experienced and dynamic faculty in pharmacy. We have been careful in selecting our faculty and I am glad to mention that we have a very able team of teachers & professionals. Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Technology welcomes students for exciting professional studies and careers in Pharmacy.