Pharmacy is an excellent degree that is professional and career-oriented. So, right after graduation, you can get a job that pays well. Many students choose this option and start working after graduation. Here are some jobs you can do after pharmacy degree.


The community pharmacist is your local pharmacist who provides medicines to the general public. This is one of the most important jobs. You have to be careful of the governments strict rules and regulations while carefully checking prescriptions and dispensing medicines. Many B. Pharm students opt for this as this is a people-oriented profession and pays well. You can have your own drugstore as well.


The hospital pharmacist, just like the community pharmacist also dispenses medicines, but they are responsible for dispensing medicines in a hospital. They are in charge of the hospital’s internal drugstore and have to give out medicines to the nurses based on doctors orders. They have to manage inventory, keep a track of the drugs, keep a record of the prescriptions, restock, drugs, manage other employees in the drugstore, and make reports for the hospital management. This is quite a responsible job profile.


Once a drug gets approval for sale to the general public, the drug inspector’s job starts. They have to ensure that drugs are manufactured properly and are packaged safely. They are responsible for the quality of the product and packaging. They also have to do regular checks for the quality of the drug and efficiency in the manufacturing process. Drug inspectors work in drug manufacturing units and have a very important job.


The title of this career is definitive of what is expected from this professional. There are many stages in the life of a drug. From formulation to the finished product, the quality control associate is the one responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the drugs. Quality control associates also have to make comprehensive reports. They can even create their evaluating and inspecting methods to ensure the quality of the drug is maintained.


Clinical research is one of the most important aspects of the pharma industry. Therefore, the career of a clinical research associate is important to the cause. They are an integral part of the clinical research process. Formulation, testing, developing, experiments, reporting, documentation, etc., the clinical research associate is a part of every process and works under the scientists conducting the research.


All the medicines and vaccines we have today are thanks to research & development (R&D). The R&D scientist is one of the most important jobs in the pharma industry. Their job entails researching diseases and developing their cures, re-evaluating old drugs and creating better formulations, researching and developing vaccines, having a deep understanding of chemistry and biology, conducting animal and human trials, writing reports on medical findings, are just some of the main expectations of R&D scientists.


Very rarely does the first formula of drug work. Its the main job of the formulation associate to help in the development of the drug. They have to conduct in-depth studies, trails, experiments, and more to make better formulations. Their job ensures that we keep getting better medicines over time that are more effective and have very few side-effects. This is an important job profile worth considering.


Medical representatives (MR) are professionals hired by pharmaceutical companies who meet with doctors to inform them of the new drugs their company has launched in the market. They are like marketing executives of the companies products. This is an important job because MRs are the ones responsible for creating sales of manufactured drugs. They need to have a deep understanding of all the drugs their company produces.


This position is similar to an MR, but some companies require MRs to have management degrees. Sales & marketing representatives are also responsible for the sale of their companys drugs. But they, not only market, but they also take orders. They meet with doctors, hospital and clinic management, pharmacists, etc. to take orders of the drugs. They have to ensure the drugs are supplied properly and there are high sales. A pharma companys success is dependent on good sales & marketing executives.


News agencies, magazines, online media companies, etc. are always on the lookout for science writers who have a deep understanding of the pharmaceutical industries and other science-based industries. Your job would be to research and write blogs, articles, news reports, reviews, etc. on the pharma industry and other related topics. You need to have a good command over the written language and a flair for writing.


After passing from Pharmacy College a student always have an opportunity to choose teaching profession. Students having master’s degree has easily opt for the teaching profession.